Key Statistics
*including approved capacity expansion of 150 MW
Market Cap:
as of 30 June 2024
Portfolio Projects:
Portfolio capacity:
1.248 GW*
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RNS Announcements
12-year Fixed-Price Stackable Contract Secured
18 October 2024 -
Result of AGM
18 September 2024 -
Unaudited NAV and Dividend Declaration
11 September 2024
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Gore Street Capital Limited is an entity authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, to act as the Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") to the Gore Street Energy Storage Fund PLC.
The value of investments may fall as well as rise. Past performance of an investment or a fund is not necessarily indicative of future returns of such investments or fund or any other investment or funds. Target returns are not guaranteed. It is possible that the Fund's investments may be subject to leverage and if so should therefore be considered higher risk than a similar unleveraged investment. Investment returns may be subject to foreign currency exchange risks regardless of whether or not any currency hedging is undertaken by the Fund. Nothing on this website constitutes investment advice on the merits of any product or investment, legal, tax or any other advice nor is it to be relied on in making an investment decision. Prospective investors should obtain independent investment advice and inform themselves as to applicable legal requirements, exchange control regulations and taxes in their jurisdiction.